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Price: $2.49
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Price: $3.49
Someone noisily chewing their food

Length: 11 sec | Size: 2.01 Mb

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Price: $2.49
Gulp 3: A man gulps and swallows

Length: 1 sec | Size: 0.06 Mb

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Price: $3.49
Chomping on some cereal and milk

Length: 15 sec | Size: 2.48 Mb

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Price: $3.49
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Price: $2.49
Gulp 4: A man swallows noisily

Length: 1 sec | Size: 0.05 Mb

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Price: $3.95
Eating salad sounds

Length: 29 sec | Size: 4.88 Mb

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Price: $3.49
Biting and chewing a fresh apple

Length: 14 sec | Size: 2.40 Mb

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Price: $4.49
Toast: eating

Length: 41 sec | Size: 7.45 Mb

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Price: $2.49
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Price: $2.95
A man bites and chews a crisp apple

Length: 6 sec | Size: 0.59 Mb

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Price: $3.49
Biting and chewing a fresh piece of celery

Length: 12 sec | Size: 2.10 Mb

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Price: $2.95

Length: 8 sec | Size: 1.39 Mb

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Price: $4.49

Length: 40 sec | Size: 3.42 Mb

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Price: $2.95
A man bites and chews something crunchy

Length: 8 sec | Size: 0.69 Mb

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