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Price: $3.49
Bus revs and pulls up to curb

Length: 13 sec | Size: 2.10 Mb

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Price: $3.49
A bus drives off

Length: 12 sec | Size: 2.10 Mb

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Price: $3.49
A bus is idling

Length: 16 sec | Size: 2.69 Mb

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Price: $4.49
People and bus sounds from inside moving bus

Length: 54 sec | Size: 9.08 Mb

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Price: $3.95
A bus is idling

Length: 29 sec | Size: 4.85 Mb

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Price: $3.49
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Price: $3.95
Sounds of shuttle driving

Length: 23 sec | Size: 3.87 Mb

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Price: $4.49
People and bus sounds from inside moving bus

Length: 52 sec | Size: 8.75 Mb

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Price: $3.49
Metro bus passes by on street

Length: 11 sec | Size: 1.77 Mb

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Price: $3.49
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Price: $3.95
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Price: $4.95
Bus: terminal-loading area

Length: 68 sec | Size: 12.43 Mb

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Price: $3.49
Shuttle bus pulls up with crowd sounds

Length: 18 sec | Size: 3.03 Mb

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Price: $4.49
People and bus sounds from inside moving bus

Length: 46 sec | Size: 7.74 Mb

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Price: $4.95
Bus: arriving, unloading

Length: 67 sec | Size: 12.31 Mb

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